Saturday, July 18, 2009

Not so bad

You know... This whole diabetes thing really isn't that bad. Sure, I can't sit there and eat a large fry, a 20 piece nuggets and the eat a loaf of bread, but so far, all I have to do to really control it is not eat like a moron.

I already didn't really drink soda that much, but that is completely gone. Don't miss it really. Had to cut out juices. Bummer, but not too bad. The suck part has been trying to avoid fried foods and limiting pasta and rice intake. That has been the harder part. Never really was into sweets so no loss there.

Contrary to what I thought was going to be the case, I'm not doing an Adkins diet. Thank God cause that would have sucked. Just have to eat a normal diet. Trying to limit to 2500 Calories per day. Still working on that. It's a lot less than I used to eat, but I tend to stay close. The ratio is the important thing. 50% of calories should come from Carbohydrates, 30% from Protein, 20% from Fat. That's actually what a healthy diet is supposed to look like. The weird thing is that it is REALLY hard for me to get in as much in the way of carbs as I am supposed to. Not sure why. I usually end up over on fat, sometimes on protein, but almost never on carbs.

Probably the single most annoying thing that has occurred since being diagnosed is the way people think I need to do some bizzarro diet and constantly being asked, "Can you have..." Trust me. I can. Stop asking. I don't have special dietary concerns. If I am coming by and you need a guide... Don't get all junk food. Have something other than chips and soda. Cheese is good. Water is good. Fruit is good. Veggies are gross, but they're good for you.

So morn not for me. I am alive and well and now eating the way I SHOULD have been over the past 34 years. Stupid lifestyle change.

The doctor and dietitian are surprised at how I have taken to the new lifestyle. Apparently most people just don't give a crap and keep doing the same until something SERIOUSLY bad happens and by that time, they are in for a world of hurt. According to the doctor, if I can drop a significant chunk of my fat ass, I probably won't even need medication. I've already dropped 30 pounds and still going. Got a Wii too. Working on adding exercise with the Wii Fit and Wii Active. We will see how it goes.

Anyway, I'm outta here. Probably going to dinner soon.